Our Garage Sale has been scheduled for Friday Sep. 16th and Saturday Sep. 17th.
We need sale items and volunteers to work the event. The volunteer sign-up sheets
will be at the Lodge. Please look around the house and garage for items to box
up and donate. If you have any large or bulky items that you need help with hauling
call or text Gary Willi. We will be accepting sale items at the
Lodge beginning Tuesday (September 13th) through Thursday (September 15th).
Lewisville Masonic Lodge’s Annual Garage Sale
Lewisville No. 201
603 Manco Road
Lewisville, TX 75067
Accepting Donations: 09/13/2016 Tuesday
Accepting Donations: 09/14/2016 Wednesday
Accepting Donations: 09/15/2016 Thursday
Garage Sale: 09/16/2016 Friday @ 7:00 A.M.
Garage Sale: 09/17/2016 Saturday @ 7:00 A.M.