Lewisville TX Masonic Lodge No. 201 Past Events Police and Fireman Breakfast Saturday, April 14th

Police and Fireman Breakfast Saturday, April 14th

Police and Fire Department Appreciation Breakfast

In appreciation for all that you do…
Lewisville Lodge No. 201
Ancient Free & Accepted Masons
would like to serve you breakfast!

Who: All of the Men and Women that are on & off duty including Police Officers, Sheriff’s Deputies, State Troopers, Firemen, Volunteers and your Department’s Staff

When: Saturday, April 14th  from 3:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Where: Lewisville Lodge No. 201 A. F. & A. M.

We would like to encourage you all to stop by and have a great breakfast. We had a great turn out last year and look forward to seeing you all again as well as those of you, who did not know about the breakfast and those poor souls who did but were called away by duty. This year we will again be serving all you can eat; ham, bacon, eggs to order, omelets to order, sausage, Belgium waffles, biscuits & gravy, juice and coffee.

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