W.M. Tyler Jenkins

Welcome to the web site for Lewisville Masonic Lodge Number 201, A.F. & A.M.             

You might ask what does Number 201, A.F. & A.M. mean?

Well it means that our Lodge was the 201st Lodge chartered by the Grand Lodge of Texas. We received our charter in 1857.

A.F. & A.M. means “Ancient Free and Accepted Masons”

We now have entered our 167th year in this area and elected new Officers for the ensuing year of June 2024 to June 2025. All Texas Masonic Lodges elect and appoint New Officers each year. Our Lodge’s new Officers are charged with the all of the duties, responsibilities and leadership roles that each of their respective offices entails. These duties are not limited to representing and working for all of the Members of this Lodge, nor are they limited to helping to ensure that our Lodge and Free Masonry continues to grow. They are also charged by the Brethren of this Lodge to find ever more ways for our Lodge to continue our 158 year old tradition of supporting the local communities, the residents who live in them, the school system and the children’s health and education.

The Lodge does various fundraisers that benefit several charities around the Dallas area. One of the charities that benefit from the Lodge is the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (www.tsrhc.org) This hospital is world renowned for its advanced treatment techniques as well as the state of the art procedures and equipment it has developed for the care and treatment of children. The hospital is designed for treating Texas children with orthopedic conditions, such as scoliosis, clubfoot, hand disorders, hip disorders and limb length differences, as well as certain related neurological disorders and learning disorders, such as dyslexia.

The hospital was established in 1921 when a group of Texas Masons was trying to create a way of caring for all children with polio regardless of the family’s ability to pay. The families back then and now are not required to have any affiliation with Free Masonry for the child to be cared for. With the introduction of the Salk and Sabin vaccines in the mid-1950’s, which virtually eradicated polio in the Western hemisphere, The Scottish Rite Hospital for Children broadened its focus to other orthopedic conditions and continues to treat children free of charge.

As a leading pediatric orthopedic center, the hospital has treated more than 220,000 children since its inception, and now has more than 40,000 clinic visits and hospital stays each year. The hospital takes a multidisciplinary approach to care, tailoring treatment to the individual needs of each child and family and it never charges the family for anything. Just some of the free services include all of the very expensive surgeries and custom made prosthetics that are replaced with new ones as the child grows and develops. Treatment can begin in the child’s first year of life and continue until his or her eighteenth birthday. We also have more than twenty other hospitals treating many different ailments for children around the country and they are supported by Shriner Masons, York Rite Masons and all Free Masons in general and not one of these hospitals charges the families for any services or care provided to the children. Again, our hospitals do not require the family to have a Masonic affiliation for the children to be treated for free. Just imagine what kind of devastation that a few years and more especially eighteen years of hospital and other treatment expenses would do to a family financially and to their lives in general. Hundreds of thousands of families and children in the United States have been spared from that kind of devastation thanks to Free Masons and Masonic hospitals.

As Masons we are not accustomed to, nor are we prone to tooting our own horns about how much we give or how hard we work. That is one of the reasons why most people are not aware of any of this. I am posting this information to let you know of just some of the things that Free Masons and the Lewisville Masonic Lodge try to do behind the scenes for the benefit of the community and especially for all of its children.

Free Masons could not accomplish these lofty goals without our faith and belief in the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, and the Immortality of the Soul.

We are not a religion, yet most Masons are religious and many are active members in their Churches, Synagogues and other houses of worship. Many in fact are Deacons, Ministers, Rabbis, Priests or Bishops.

We are not a political organization yet 15 Presidents of the United States were Masons and all of the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Republic of Texas were Masons.

Many of the Founding Fathers of our great nation were Free Masons and all most all of the Founding Fathers of Texas were Free Masons.

We are members of the oldest and largest Fraternity on Planet Earth. We strive to improve ourselves morally, spiritually, ethically and to contribute to society. A man must already be a good man before he can become a Mason. Our Fraternity requires that each Brother be honest and fair with each and everyone, not just with other Masons.

Your continued support as the community at large and as our neighbors, friends and families empowers us in our efforts such as the Blood Drives, Cat Fish Fries, the Pancake Days at the I-hop restaurants and the Shriners Circuses. These and many other drives are how Masons raise money to continue the support of local communities, its children and hospitals, to name but a few of the beneficiaries. In the United States Masons contribute more than 1.4 Million Dollars every day to worthy causes. We at Lewisville Masonic Lodge truly and deeply appreciate your continued support.

One of our goals is that the Lodge will continue to grow and find even more ways to give back more than we receive as we have done for the last 157 years.

If you are a good man and are interested in what we are all about then you can call, come by to visit or e-mail us.

Do you know of a good man that you think is honest, of good moral character and he has the highest ethical standards? Then you might ask him to contact us. No Mason can ask anyone to join Free Masonry. A man must make the decision for himself and ask a Mason about how he can become a Mason. Our restriction even prevents a Father who is a Mason from asking his Son to join Free Masonry.

To Be One you must Ask One.


As the master of the Lodge, I serve my Masonic Brothers in extending their invitation to all Good Men and Women to join us in supporting all children of every religion, race and ethnic back ground.

Tyler Jenkins

WM 2024-2025
